Shades of Grey to be incorporated into morality system. The Mass Effect franchise has...
Sagnik Bagchi
A student of English Honours, with a passion for tech, gaming and fitness and an indomitable spirit to learn and grow in every aspect.
The Elder Scrolls : Skywind. At E3 2016, Bethesda announced that a remastered version...
Codename, Naples : After years of being dormant, AMD is finally back at the...
Standalone announced at E3: Just a few days ago developers CD Projekt had filed...
The Witcher Card Game by CDPR: On May of 2015, CDPR released The Witcher...
Another patch and probably the last one The Witcher 3 will ever see: May...
E3 is coming : Well, it’s that time of the year folks, the time...
Play of the Game Overwatch has been one of the greatest releases of the...
Computex Taipei : This year’s Computex closed curtains, on 4 June. AMD stole most...