Information regarding AMD’s new hardware tweaking app WattMan has bulged over the surface. The...
Vishal Asthana
A young and avid gamer apart from being a tech enthusiast. Loves reading everything from horror, fiction to crime and thriller not to mention computers. Goes as far as one's mind could stretch to feed his curiosity
The older version of the world’s most popular console i.e the PS3 had an...
Virtual reality has been gaining a lot of hype, particularly this year. The whole...
A few hours ago, a supposed developer leaked Steam Summer sale dates on Reddit which...
Keyboard and mouse is the weapon of choice for most PC elitists out there...
The much talked about blockbuster i.e Gears of War 4 was recently confirmed for...
Asynchronous shaders have been touted as one of the biggest architectural advancements that the...
Radeon RX 480 : Can It Pull AMD’s Cart To Glory ? AMD has...
A day before the alleged Polaris launch date, some news surrounding the RX 480’s...