In a gaming landscape saturated with sequels, live-service titles, and multiplayer experiences, Astro Bot...
Suvoparno Banerjee
Student , Gamer , Blogger , Audiophile .
Survival games are now one of the core pillars of modern video games. Even...
Inspired by the games like Dragon Age: Origins and Baldur’s Gate, Waylanders is an...
While Fallout 76 might have been a disappointing entry in the franchise for many...
Codemasters took its first deep-dive into My Team, the innovative new game feature in...
Announced last year, Disintegration is the first game from V1 Interactive, a studio founded...
As the generation draws to a close, gamers are being treated to a wild...
Rogue-likes/lites have become common these days. It’s hard for a game to make a...
Being a fan of games set in space, I tend to play anything that...