March 4, 2025


Gamers of Kolkata are always looking forward to something that can keep them updated on the current happenings of the gaming world, something other than the internet, something physical, something they can visit. They got their chance this October the 2nd when TechARX in collaboration with AsidCast   and powered by NVIDIA and NassCom, hosted the very first Nerdmeet.


The day started off with atleast 30 people attending the venue from the start. As the day progressed, more and more people started to pour in. We had conversations with gamers present there, we chatted about what we wanted from Sellers, Manufacturers and Hardware publishers. These Q&A Sessions proved to be quite entertaining with a slight touch of humor and triggering informative responses from both the officials and the attendees present at the venue.



The day went on as gamers present at the venue got the opportunity to play some of the latest and somewhat older games like Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Far Cry 4, Tomb Raider, Hitman: Absolution et al. They participated in a quiz hosted by the volunteers present in which they won some cool, custom-made posters of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Batman Arkham Knight and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain from AsidCast. We also gave away a few Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Steam codes, some NVIDIA wallets provided by NVIDIA India and a few The Bureau: XCOM Declassified physical copies from Elite Gaming.



As we prepared to wrap up the operations for the day, we gathered the necessary feedbacks about our initiative. At the end of the day, a meet which was organized for no more than 30-40 people, had managed to attract almost 115+ people throughout the day.
We plan to increase our breadth of operation, our focus and locations across India as more time goes on. For that we need more support and we’re hoping that our initiative has piqued the interest of gamers in Kolkata and India at large.

For all the pictures of the Meet follow this link
NerdMeet 2015


Till then, this is the Techarx team, signing off