March 11, 2025

We usually don’t review mouse pad here in TechARX, however we are taking an exception this time since the Tt ESPORTS Draconem RGB Mouse Pad kind of bowled us over.


Anyway, we will keep our observations reserved till the end of this brief write-up; first let us take a proper look at the mouse pad.

Tt ESPORTS Draconem RGB Overview

The mousepad comes in a rectangular box due to the fact that it is a hard pad as opposed to conventional rubber or cloth mats that comes usually rolled in a tube.

The front of the box comes adorned with a picture of the mouse pad along with a few highlighted features.


The back contains a plethora of information about the mousepad along with specifications.


The mousepad stands at 13.98 X 10.04 inches with a thickness of .16 inches.

Weighing in around 420g(am not sure if that was intentional IFYWIM) the Draconem is pretty much lightweight when it comes to hard mats.

The surface is made up of polymer which is very quick.

On the backside we have a rubber base with a RGB led strip around the edge of the base.


Since the idea of having a software controlled RGB led strip to a mouse pad is too mainstream Thermaltake decided to simplify the process by giving it two physical buttons. One for changing RGB modes and one for brightness control.


The RGB Modes available are Static, Pulse, Wave & Spectrum Running

Power is fed through a gold-plated USB non braided usb cable.


Usage Experience and Conclusion

In sync with the tradition regarding to any gaming peripherals in TechARX we ran the Draconem mouse pad through its paces, which means long hours of battlefield(the only multiplayer game this reviewer is somewhat good at) and a few hours of Counter Strike along with various other games we are hooked into at the time of the review. The experience was in line to what we expected from a mouse-pad tuned for speed, it was quick and accurate enough to take those critical headshots and quick scopes.

The RGB modes worked as they should and easy on the eye. However there is room for improvement’s. For example control through software would be a nice addition which will open up more ways of customization. Color co-ordination through software with other thermaltake components present in the system will be a welcoming addition.

Overall the Draconem RGB mouse pad manages to hit all the right notes and comes out as a very good contender in the small niche of hard mouse pads.

The ultimate deciding factor however will be the price which is unknown at the moment; however we learned that it will be competitive to the only other RGB hard mat available in the market which is Razers Firefly. IF it indeed stays true to that then we have a very good winner in our hands.

Product link : Website

Product Video Link : Youtube
