July 25, 2024

When Android 5.0 Lollipop is still lagging with several issues, 5.1 gives itself a shape with a hope to resolve the issues of its predecessor. Rumours are there that 5.1 is going to be launched by the end of February 2015. Android 5.1 will feature some amazing updates which makes Lollipop much elegant to Android lovers.

  • Silent mode added after missing on Android 5.0
  • General improvements in system stability
  • Improved RAM management
  • Fixes for sudden app closures
  • Improved battery management
  • Excessive consumption of network devices when used Wi-Fi fixed
  • Issues with wireless connections fixed
  • Problems with Okay Google function solved
  • Notifications problems solved
  • Some sound problems experience by certain devices fixed
  • Other improvements and changes
  • Changes in the Material Design colour palette (after users complaints, possibly for a higher version though)


Clearly, this update will fix some of the major issues that 5.0 users are embarrassed with.

Stay tuned to TechARX for further updates in this regard.