The most awaited and one of the first exclusives which are coming this year for ps4 The Order 1886 details are revealed in the recent playstation store update.The order 1886 will be 29.4 gb or should we say 30 gb.You can check out the pic here :-
Order 1886 is based on victorian london era where people fighting against dark side with the help of modern technology.santa-monica and Ready at Dawn worked pretty hard on the game as the game looks absolutely stunning and gorgeous.The hefty download size is justified as Order 1886’s cutscenes are also rendered in engine and and the detail level of the game is terrific.Another new part they added in the game is the advanced cloth simulation.If you still not pre ordered The order 1886 do it now from gamingmonk.com.Here is the pre order link:-
The order 1886 is releasing on 20th February 2015.