March 3, 2025

Tom Clancy’s The Division, a game which left the E3 2013 crowd awestruck with an unforeseen depth of graphics, gameplay mechanics and environment for an Open-world Third-person RPG. However a series of delays had everyone tensed about the game’s future. Fortunately Ubisoft Massive delivered on their words and presented a slew of trailers, a Closed Alpha on Xbox ONE, a Closed BETA and an Open BETA on every platform. And having played both of the BETAs extensively , we as a team are pretty hopeful of The Division’s future success as a franchise. (Still fingers crossed, we’re looking at you Far Cry Primal)

Just 6 days ahead of launch, Massive have come out with an action-packed launch trailer.

Now I’m not the one to get hyped by trailers but the subtle hints and differences from the BETA are noticeable in this one.

Apart from the trailers, a good Samaritan, named /u/aGreatGambino, from The Division sub-reddit actually compiled a list of changes and “quality of life” improvements that were confirmed on the Developer twitch streams and podcasts.

Here are some of the changes that are bound to appear in the final game:

  1. Detailed “In-game Loot Loop”.
  2. Multiple methods of acquiring gear.
  3. Diverse and more dangerous Dark Zone with roaming enemies and tougher patrols.
  4. Difficulty levels with appropriate loot tables.
  5. Diverse Crafting system.Revamped UI for Cosmetic section and Appearance.

You can find the full list of clarifications in detail on the reddit post, right here.

Tom Clancy’s The Division is still up for pre-order on PS4 and Xbox ONE for 3499 INR and on PC for 1799 INR. For more info on Tom Clancy’s The Division and post-launch updates, keep an eye on TechARX.