March 7, 2025

Ps4 update 3.50 is upon us and players are already enjoying some great features like PC/MAC Remote play, dailymotion livestreaming, appear offline feature, friends notification etc. But with big features Sony quietly introduced some features that we overlooked in this update. Lets talk about them shall we?


4TB HDD Support:- Now Ps4 can support upto 4tb of external storage thanks to the latest update. Now you can back up your data without even worrying for a second and enjoy your quality time with friends and best players around the globe.

Music from USB storage:- People with 2.0 update are familiar with this but it was available for brief moment of time. Sony removed this feature pretty quickly after the introduction with any proper reason. The mentioned feature is back again and finally you can listen to your favorite tracks while playing games.

Turn off the Screenshot notification:- Remember that annoying screenshot icon that bothered you to much when you were busy sharing your skills to the world ? well now you can turn off that too.


Lock your Party:- I bet this happened with many of us when an unwanted guest suddenly joined the party when a difficult Destiny raid is taking place or too many people in a party spoiled the mood of yours, now you can lock down your party and decide who and how many of your friends will accompany you in your next big outing. No more annoying people no more distractions.

These may be some minor features compared to the bigger ones introduced with the latest update but these are certainly some important one and need to be highlighted. So which one of these are making your life finally easy after 2 years of console release? do let us know in the comment section down below.