February 17, 2025

Occulus first announced and shipped their VR Devolopers kit in 2012, from then it has gone thorugh numerous bug fixes and adjustments inlcuding one revised devolpoers kit release in 2014. Today they have formally announced ther consumer varient which is slated to be shipped in Q1 2016.

Heres what they say in their company blog
“Since the earliest days of the Oculus Kickstarter, the Rift has been shaped by gamers, backers, developers, and enthusiasts around the world. Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce that the Oculus Rift will be shipping to consumers in Q1 2016, with pre-orders later this year.

The Rift delivers on the dream of consumer VR with compelling content, a full ecosystem, and a fully-integrated hardware/software tech stack designed specifically for virtual reality. It’s a system designed by a team of extremely passionate gamers, developers, and engineers to reimagine what gaming can be.”

Their rendneirng looks pretty interetsting, 2016 is going to be very interesting when it comes to virtual reality specially when both the gpu manufacturers are taking keen interest on VR and have VR focussed products in their roadmap.


Source – ‘Tweaktown’