March 5, 2025

Battlefield World Premiere Teaser Released

As the title says, Battlefield world premiere teaser is out. The teaser lasts for 8 seconds and just provides a single glide over a character which can be the protagonist this time around. People were expecting a teaser from DICE before the world premiere on 6th May.

battlefield world premiere teaserThe Battlefield world premiere teaser is out on Youtube, but is unlisted and only those with links to the video can watch the teaser.We have provided the link in the end. Taking a look at the teaser, it seems that the latest instalment in the Battlefield series is likely to be set in the timeframe of WWII. Such setting will be welcomed by gamers as the last few years have been all futuristic gadgets and thrusters and what not. A simple boot to the ground game is what the majority wants.

It’s that time of the year when EA and Activision both announce the release of their respective shooting titles, which usually go head-to-head around Christmas time. Trailer for the new Call of Duty has been released with other information. Although people are having mixed opinions about the game. This is the perfect opportunity for DICE to take the lead. The competition between Call of Duty and Battlefield will be tough this time around.

Battlefield world premieres tomorrow and people around the world will be able to watch the reveal through livestream.