Google just released the latest builds of its Android L Developer Preview operating system for the Nexus 5 and the Nexus 7, called Hammerhead and Razor, respectively. Build LPV81C was first spotted by Android Central, which said that the build now officially offers support for Google Fit.
Google also released the Google Fit preview SDK on Thursday, so the timing is perfect for developers who want to build new apps that take advantage of the Google Fit APIs and test them on the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7.
Unfortunately, unlike other operating systems like Windows Phone and iOS, which make it a bit easier to update developer previews over-the-air, you’ll have to re-flash your device with the new images. That’s not a big deal for developers and Android enthusiasts who are used to that sort of thing, but it is an extra hurdle for Joe Consumer who just wants to mess around with the upcoming version of Android.
Hit the source to install it now and let us know if you spot any major changes.
Source: Android Authority