After the announcement of Assassin’s creed Rogue ps3 and xbox 360 owners were jumping with joy as Ubisoft treated both gen console owners with same value and care,but things may be different from next year as Ubisoft allegedly putting a stop on last gen console game development.You may not see any upcoming Ubisoft tittles from 2015 on ps3 and Xbox 360.
Ubisoft head Yves Guillemot said and we quote “What we see is that this year is still fine for the PS3 and 360. But next year because they are selling very quickly, we’ll move to the new hardware.After 2015, it will be hard for us to create games for those systems.” Though Ubisoft is releasing their upcoming Online racing rpg The Crew on Xbox 360 but not on ps3 and wii.When asked Ubisoft said Crew is actually meant to be a next gen only game but they decided to port it on last gen just because Xbox 360’s architecture is somewhat close to next gen consoles.Asobo studios will be developing the 360 version of Crew.No release date announced yet.
Last week Sony announced that their much ambitious console PS4 has been sold around 10 millions worldwide in just 9 month of its release.Xbox One was also quite popular and the combined sales of both the consoles are roughly around 15 million worldwide.This actually indicates that many gamers already moved into the next gen era of consoles and sales are at the peak.
what do you people actually think about this decision of Ubisoft??? is it right to dump the old gen console so early or people should actually now move towards the next gen era??? tell us your opinion in our comment section.