March 4, 2025

Welcome to another edition of TechARX test report; in this episode we will talk about the Kinsgton Hyper X Savage Memory kit.
the kit we will be taking a look is the 16GB 2400MHz C11 version with the part number HX324C11SRK2/16 .

Product overview

As with every versions of the Tech Report we will take a brief look at the Kit and then dive into numbers.


The kit comes in a pure plain jane box with a windows offering a sneak pick of the kit inside.


the Red kits itself comes in a clear plastic casing in its full glory.

The Savage unlike the fury comes with only one color and that is Red, while that limits the option of it being included in specific thematic builds the Metallic finish does a real job to stand out.


While on one side we have the Savage branding,on the other side we see the HyperX logo in all its glory.

Setup and Numbers

Lets take a look at numbers,but first the setup.

Intel Core i7 4770K
Asus Maximus Vi Hero
Kingston HyperX Savage 2400 C11 Memory
Coolermaster V1000 PSU

We ran a combination of Aida 64 benchmark,Super Pi and Hyper PI(a modification of Super Pi with Multi core support).

Aida 64 Memory Suite

Here the idea is to have the achieve the highest possible bandwidth with lowest possible latency.





Next up is Super Pi,
Super PI is a single threaded benchmark that calculates pi to a specific number of digits. It uses the Gauss-Legendre algorithm and is a Windows port of a program used by Yasumasa Kanada in 1995 to compute pi to 232 digits.

The benchmark is very sensitive to memory bandwidth hence used to show the performance difference,



Hyper Pi on the other is an front-end allows selecting multiple threads of SuperPi to be run at the same time to test the stability of the memory and  cpu subsystem, here we used it to test the memory sub system.



Overall pretty consistent scores and we can see the ram was able to run stable at all of the overclocked/tweaked settings, we tried overclocking oit beyond 2400 but sadly the 4770k’s IMC wasn’t up to the mark.



Realistically speaking
The target niche for 2400MHZ rams are a bit restrictive and redundant since of most the gaming title doesn’t benefit from a higher memory frequency;there are some exceptions though.
Add to the fact that unless the Integrated Memory Controller of the CPU is good the ram will not boot up at all in most cases further restricts the scenario where the kit becomes valuable,and this goes for all ram kits out there.

However, if you want the fastest and one of the best looking ram in the market right now by all means go for these,absolutely dream to clock on provided your CPU is willing to cooperate.
So if you are looking for a memory kit which looks good,low profile and overclocks pretty nicely out of the box;the Kingston HyperX Savage 2400Mhz Kits should be your choice.

All in all a pretty good and beautiful set of rams.