March 11, 2025

The acquisition war is heating up folks! After Microsofts acquision of Activision Blizzard, Sony fired back with their own bid of Ex HALO Creator Bungie.

Here’s what they had to say for the acquisition:

Sony Interactive Entertainment

We are thrilled to announce that Sony Interactive Entertainment has entered into an agreement to acquire Bungie, which will bring one of the world’s greatest development studios into the PlayStation family. Bungie has created two of gaming’s most iconic franchises, Halo and Destiny, and has deep expertise in bringing incredible immersive experiences at great scale to the community through games that evolve and develop over time, and has a hugely impressive roadmap for future content. It’s that expertise coupled with the highly engaged PlayStation community that makes this partnership such an incredibly exciting addition.

Jim Ryan, President & CEO
Bungie to Join the PlayStation Family – SIE Blog – English


We believe games have limitless potential, and that to do anything worthwhile in entertainment, we must bet big on our vision, on our studio, and on our incredible team of trusted creators who build unforgettable worlds that truly matter to people.​
In SIE, we have found a partner who unconditionally supports us in all we are and who wants to accelerate our vision to create generation-spanning entertainment, all while preserving the creative independence that beats in Bungie’s heart. Like us, SIE believes that game worlds are only the beginning of what our IPs can become. Together, we share a dream of creating and fostering iconic franchises that unite friends around the world, families across generations, and fans across multiple platforms and entertainment mediums.​


With both sides going on a buying spree, we have an interesting future ahead! Let us hope not everything gets locked down behind subpar optimization and paywalls.