March 11, 2025

Its been a while since Ps4 firmware 3.50 beta is available and now its Official that its coming for the general owners tomorrow. The 3.50 update is bringing a lot of new features to Ps4 along with Pc/MAC Remote Play. Along with that 3.50 also brings two of the most requested feature, appear offline and friend notification.

After Microsoft enabled Xbox one game streaming on Windows 10 pc now its time for Sony to walk on the same path. With 3.50 Sony is bringing Remote Play to Pc/Mac. Now, you must be wondering how will it work , worry no more there are few info available about this new feature. According to some beta testers you need to connect your Dualshock 4 to pc via a micro usb cable and voila ! you are ready to stream your Ps4 game on your beloved Pc. But as we know streaming is a bit internet hungry process and some time can be annoying during several multiplayer sessions. You can easily tweak resolution settings according to ur Isp speed and enjoy hiccup free gaming.

There are also few minor changes and improvement is coming with 3.50 update. One of them is broadcasting games on Dailymotion. Sony brought youtube livestreaming with their 2.0 update back in 2014. Also now players can check out PSN server status directly on their PS4 rather than from the pc. We know how important this is as Sony and PSN is recently suffering from massive outages since the launch of their new console. Along with that the PlayStation Plus Hub is getting a makeover too.

Its indeed a great bunch of new and exciting feature coming with 3.50 update but we want your opinion about it. Tell us the one feature which you are most excited about and looking forward to use it often, some new features which you are looking forward to be added in the next update in our comment section.