Microsoft’s gamecom 2014 conference just ended and there are loads of things to look forward in terms on gaming on Xbox one.Microsoft conference was full of games and some big announcement too.Here are the things and analysis of the conference.
Conference kick started with a new never before seen footage of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Unity,showing the life of paris and environment filled with hatred and revenge.You can watch the trailer below:-
Fifa 15 ultimate team legends announced today,available only on xbox one.Ultimate team legends will contain the yesteryear legends and respected names of football fraternity. anew FIFA 15 bundle was also announced with a price tag of 399$ and its available for pre order.
Finally goat simulator coming to xb1 as the much appreciated steam game makes it console debut.Also some indie games announced which will be coming to xb1 later this year and in 2015.
Another big announcement made by Crystal Dynamics,the well known studio behind last years Tomb Raider game as the sequel of the game Rise of the tomb raider will be exclusive to xbox one coming on holiday 2015.
Forza Horizon 2 devs showed the new features of the game.Forza Horizon 2 will be new name of freedom in terms of racing.You can free roam with your friends,join seamless racing with out any loading screen,explore the open world with out any boundaries.More details here:-
Finally Remedy presented the much awaited first look gameplay demo of their of their most ambitious xbox one exclusive Quantum Break.Gameplay was flawless and promising.You can check the demo below:-
After yesterday’s MP reveal Call of Duty Advanced warfare gets another demo,this time its a single player mission.Sledgehammer games finally making their way towards the next gen with a bang.Check out the gameplay below:-
A new Call of Duty Advanced Warfare limited edition bundle was also announced which contains one xbox one console with whooping 1 tb hdd,a wireless controller,a copy of Cod Advanced warfare.The price tag of the bundle is 499$ and its available for pre order.
Evolve gets a new Mp match game footage as the game will finally make its debut next year February 10.You can watch the gameplay here:-
Sunset overdrive from Insomniac games was cooler as usual.Some customization details revealed through an unique trailer describing the world and the characters we will jump into.Check it here:-
A new bundle was also announced which contains a white xbox one console and controller and a copy of Sunset overdrive with a price tag of 399$.
Finally the big one came up with the most renowned franchisee of xbox ever Halo.Halo masterchief edition will contain the revamped and redesigned maps from previous games such as halo 2.A halo MP match was also showed the redesigned map and the cool features.Halo 5 guardian news also came as the game will receive a beta on December 2014 which will last for 3 weeks.Halo channel is announced,which will be your new home for halo universe.
Unlock contents,watch live series,unlock contents everything under one new roof.Halo nightfall the tv series directed byRidley Scott will also be included in the Halo Master chief Edition.
One last and final announcement made as Xbox one now able to preload games finally starting from fifa 15.This new feature will be a lot helpful for gamers considering the hefty size of games.
After E3 Microsoft is really pushing hard in terms of gaming on xbox one.New bundles,games,exclusive contents is surely making the future of xb1 very bright.Check our site for more update s and infos.