Mumbai, November 2021: Jetking Infotrain, a public limited company in India, announces its partnership with Near Protocol. Near Protocol is an open-source platform that enables creators, communities, and markets to drive a more open, interconnected, and consumer-empowered world.
The instructor-led one-on-one foundation course on Blockchain tech is designed based on the industry-driven comprehensive curriculum approved by the National Skills Qualification Framework. The course developed by Jetking and Near Protocol will be delivered live online by highly trained blockchain experts from the industry. This is the hottest technology in IT domain and Jetking is currently in the Industrial stage of the domain where the platforms are being formed and companies are exploring. Hence, choosing Blockchain as the career domain is the best choice to make.
The curriculum designed by Jetking Infotrain will enable 1 lakh+ students to get access to a free appreciation program of 180 minutes training capsule on Blockchain technology. Through this, they will create a better life for students, franchisees, recruiters, and investors.
The FREE appreciation course contains an introduction to Blockchain and will showcase the future of blockchain in India and how it will help them. NEAR is a decentralized application platform that is secure enough to manage high-value assets like money or identity and performant enough to make them useful for everyday people, putting the power of the Open Web in their hands. With this partnership, Jetking can empower its students to strive and achieve a well-reputed job as the future of blockchain in India is on the rise.
As per the recent data, 56% of Indian businesses are moving towards Blockchain technology, making the technology a part of their core business. By industry, Blockchain technology has a wide range of applications in India. Alongside that, the cryptocurrency market is set to grow at CAGR of 30% from 2019 to 2026 which is $792.53 Billion in 2019 to $5,190.62 Billion in 2026.
Mr. Harsh Bharwani, CEO & Managing Director, “As the market size for Blockchain is rising, it is expected to grow to about $72 Billion by 2026. Due to this, we at Jetking see this as a growing trend which will be integrated in all systems and hence, we are creating jobs and opportunities for the economy. Through this partnership with NEAR, we expect to grow and provide jobs in various sectors of work.”
Sherif Abushadi, Head of Education, NEAR Protocol, “NEAR sees a world where people control their money, data, and identity. Through this partnership, NEAR can make this possible and easy using our secure and scalable technology”.