March 3, 2025

So, my PC just turned a month old. My desktop PC. I have been using laptops since like forever. But when the last one died, I knew it was time for something different. I wanted to build something myself. I wanted to choose what exactly goes into the build. I wanted to put all the parts together and prepare the machine to be up and running. After approaching the right people and seeking their help, I took a long time to sort out the parts and finally bought them and assembled the desktop. It has been an unparalleled, inexplicable, and pleasurable experience. This is what building my own PC taught me.WBB11Ky

1. Always use a reliable tool to minimize errors.

While building a custom PC, it’s always best to use a tool that can help you out in your journey. There are various tools out there in the market such as PC Builder, PC Part Picker, and Build My PC which helps you to find the best compatible parts for your pc building. Even if you are a pro, you are always bound to make small mistakes and that’s where such a tool will help you to save your day.

2. It’s an art


After building one myself, the level of respect for people who build custom PCs, mod them or are remotely associated with them has gone up by spades. PC builders are truly artists, and I am not exaggerating. Deciding what actually goes inside the box, fitting them all together and making the end-user experience sublime is not everyone’s cup of tea. You see, there are so many things to be taken care of when you’re building a PC. From things like cable management to aid aesthetics to choosing the right placement of fans for the most efficient cooling requires a lot of knowledge, patience.

3. It’s all about the details


Yes, it’s the details that make the difference, in everything. Building your PC is no different. The small details determine just how much of thought has gone into building it. And it’s things like choosing the correct cabinet after weeks of sleepless nights that will reward you in future.

4. Skimping is not cool


Yes, I get that, you want to sport the best GPU among your friends and for doing that, you need to skimp other crucial parts. That’s not how it should work. After all, you don’t want to be stuck with an i3 processor bottlenecking a GTX 1080. Okay, maybe that was a bit exaggerated. But you do get the drift, don’t you? Be sure to put emphasis on each and every part that becomes a part of your build.  Your final aim is to hit the sweet spot where all the components work in harmony.

5. Future Upgrades

Coinciding with the earlier point, if your budget doesn’t permit you to buy something you wanted, leave that to future upgrades. Things like an SSD, a larger HDD, an optical drive and a liquid cooling setup can be added later to the build too. And to top it, future upgrades can be fun as new tech hits the market. These are the parts where you have to save money and contribute to the core build. Also, it is advisable to invest on the latest hardware as upgrading individual parts of the core build will be an easier affair.

6. Nothing beats researching


No, don’t listen to your friend or neighbour. Read up on the parts you have shortlisted and take the final decision yourself. PC building offers freedom. You are the one who knows best what you want from your computer. You get to have the final say. Start with  a blank piece of paper and a budget and work your way from there. Give it your time and be patient. The pleasure of making a well-informed decision is unmatchable.

7. There’s nothing as satisfying as assembling it yourself


Assemble it yourself, all by yourself. Overcome the initial fear of frying your parts. Read build guides. Read manuals. Study each part, socket and wire carefully. Start assembling it yourself at your own sweet pace.

8. Don’t fret if something goes wrong

First time builders are bound to make mistakes. Analyse what you did carefully and try to point out. You probably just misconnected a wire. Don’t get all heated up and stay calm. Try to find solutions to your problem online if you yourself can’t seem to figure it out. If it still doesn’t turn on, feel free to contact professional help. After all, it’s all part of the experience.

Here’s wishing you a happy PC building expereince!
