March 4, 2025

Title: Dark Souls 3
Genre: Action Role-playing Game
Series: Souls, Dark Souls
Publisher: FromSoftware, Bandai Namco Entertainment
Release Date: 24 March 2016 (Japan), 12 April 2016 (World Wide)
Price: $64.96(steam)

Dark Souls III is an action role-playing video game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.
The dark souls 3 is the third and final product for the dark souls series from fromsoftware and Bandai Namco.


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What is Dark Souls III?
This game is the next entry in the Dark Souls series, featuring the same 3rd-person RPG gameplay of it’s predecessors. It takes place in the same world as the previous titles(though now in Lothric), and includes all the expected puzzles, traps, bloodthirsty enemies, complex/beautiful environments and secrets you could ever want. Dark Souls has a brand new engine this time around, the same as that of Bloodborne; you can really feel the difference in smoothness and graphic quality.

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Diving into the game , Dark Souls 3 really looks desperate to stand out of all other souls game by taking everything good what the previous ones had and it really does look beautiful and is a fantastic experience for souls series gamers , though if you’re new to the series , it won’t disappoint you either.The game has the same engine which was used on Bloodborne making it look a very beautiful game , the cinematics is very beautiful in the game and the artistic look in the game really makes it an eye candy,the dynamic lights, and shadows make every area look very beautiful . The PC controls are a bit cheeky and is recommended to use a controller.The gameplay is also a mixed up product off dark souls 1 and 2. Now, coming to the bosses . well just in the starting of the game after 5 minutes you have a boss fight and that too a badass one , though the first boss ( Ludex Gundyr ) was said to be easy by the developers yet it will give a good competition to the new gamers in the series.

Now coming to how well is the game optimised , well Dark Souls 3 is very good in optimisation but could’ve have been better , minor stutters sometimes makes it really annoying during a dense area but seeing how fast the patches are coming it is hoped that fromsoftware will fix that too.


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