Ubisoft yesterday announced the season pass for their next AC game Assassin’s Creed Unity.Like every other season pass this one will also add many new features,add on contents,early dlc access,exclusive downloadable contents. Check out the season pass trailer here:-
Season Pass contents:-
Dead Kings:- Dead kings is the all new single player story mission.Dead kings takes place after the events of Assassin’s Creed Unity in a rural city called Saint-Denis.This new content will allow you to explore the vast underground tunnels of Saint-Denis filled with puzzles and a new faction of enemy called Raiders.Arno gets a new weapon in his arsenal called The Guillotine Gun,a weapon which can be used both as vicious melee weapon and explosive thrower.
Three new missions also added to the Unity campaign to give you the complete feel of Paris.the American Prisoner,Killed by Science and The Chemical Revolution will allow you to solve mysteries and help the revolution to go on.
The season pass will also bringing some new weapons to help you choose the perfect loadout to suit your playstyle.
Now the biggest one is the announcement of the downloadable game called Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China for the season pass holders.Play as Shao-Jun and discover the 16th century China in a beautiful,brush painted,artistic side scrolling game.
We only got a Gamestop update on the price on their web page listed as 30$.No update on indian price yet.So what do you people think about the contents of the Assassin’s Creed unity Season pass? Yay or Nay????? tell us in the comment section.