March 4, 2025

Antec today announced their AMP line of mobile accessory products for the Indian market.

The AMP product line includes two families: a range of mobile audio devices and a series of portable power banks and battery chargers. They are testing the waters with Audio products first.

Mobile Audio

The a.m.p mobile audio accessories consists of the following products

SP1: Mobile speaker in a small form factor for personal listening.



SP zero: Portable speaker with integrated microphone suitable for use as music anywhere on the go and for conference calls.


dBs: IEM geared towards Music lovers


Pulse: On ear headphones targeted at Audiophiles

The AMP line up form Antec seems to be a rehash of the of the age old formula of introducing Mobile accessories to flood the market.
While this might seem as an poor practise the customer gets a vast range of products to choose from.
Lets wait and watch how the product turns out to be.

The only downer is its an online exclusive (flipkart, snapdeal, amaazon, martnext) ; So we don’t know how much profit will the online retailers make.