Yes you heard it right,Ea is going to stop selling physical copies of PC version of their games in India starting from Fifa 15,followed by Dragon Age: Inquisition.The all digital format is right here and seems like India will be the first to face it.However Consoles will get the physical copies.
Since few years the physical copy of Ea pc games has seen a drastic amount of changes in terms of pricing.Usually 2-3 years ago pc dvd was merely 999 rs.If we take fifa for instance last it was 999 to 1499 and last year it was 2499.After the announcement of next gen Ignite engine on PC the pricing of fifa 15 increased to 3499.
Milestone Interactive, EA’s distributor for India, had said that EA didn’t see lower prices in India leading to a corresponding increase in sales, and that prompted the publisher to abandon preferential pricing for the Indian market.“In India, PC pricing has been way lower than anywhere else, and it’s an English product, so there’s a risk of it finding its way to other English-speaking markets. Given that we’ve maintained a certain pricing for all these years, we’ve never got that quantum jump in volume the moment prices were dropped,” Milestone chairman Jayont Sharma said in 2012 when EA had begun normalizing prices.
People are also suspecting that the unnatural increase of pricing already created a drop in sales for and its the sole reason to abandon physical copies.No official words from EA yet.