Today, Ubisoft announced that Rainbow Six Extraction’s first post-launch Crisis Event, Spillover, is available today. Crisis Events are major, limited-time events where players face unique large-scale threats in the Containment Zone.
As Sprawl Colonies spread across the hot zones, players must use the new Dissolution Agent canisters to draw out waves of enemies and wipe out colonies of the alien Sprawl. To face off against the hordes of Archaeans descending upon them, a strategic and defensive approach is crucial to survival. All players who log in during Spillover will have a chance to earn the exclusive new REACT tech: the Auto-Turret, a deployable turret that automatically targets and attacks Archaeans.
Alongside Spillover, Zofia arrives today in Extraction. A beloved Rainbow Six Operator, Zofia is known for her highly skilled survival techniques and will be a crucial asset to the Rainbow Six Extraction roster both in Spillover and main game. By equipping additional defense REACT tech to Zofia’s Grenade Launcher, players can increase their chances for a successful incursion.
Spillover is the first of many Crisis Events and updates to come to Rainbow Six Extraction. Players can jump in now with their squad via Game Pass on Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, and Windows PC, as well as on PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Stadia, Amazon Luna, the Ubisoft Store, and the Epic Games Store.