September 13, 2024

Star Wars Outlaws transports players into the expansive universe of Star Wars, blending the allure of the iconic franchise with the open-world action-adventure genre. Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the game offers a rich, nostalgic experience filled with familiar locales like Tatooine’s deserts and the bustling underground markets of Canto Bight. You step into the shoes of Kay Vess, a rogue freelancer trying to make her way through a galaxy rife with criminal syndicates and treacherous heists.

: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Massive
Genre: Open-World Action-Adventure
Platforms: PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5


Star Wars Outlaws presents an intriguing premise, placing players in the role of Kay Vess, a cunning freelance rogue navigating the treacherous underworld of the galaxy. Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the story offers a fresh perspective, stepping away from the traditional Jedi versus Sith narrative and focusing instead on the grittier, morally ambiguous corners of the Star Wars universe.

The story follows Kay as she attempts to pull off a career-defining heist while contending with various criminal syndicates, from the Hutts to the Pykes. Along the way, she’s joined by her surly droid companion ND-5 and a small, agile creature named Nix. The plot’s strength lies in its setting and premise, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the life of a scoundrel trying to survive in a galaxy ruled by crime lords and the oppressive Empire.

However, the execution of the story leaves much to be desired. Kay Vess, while visually and conceptually appealing, lacks the depth needed to carry the narrative. Her motivations are clear but underdeveloped, and her character arc feels predictable and somewhat shallow. The supporting characters, including ND-5 and Nix, are charming but ultimately underutilized, serving more as plot devices than fully realized companions.

The game’s story shines most in its side missions and interactions with the various criminal factions. These moments allow for a more nuanced exploration of the Star Wars underworld, giving players the chance to make morally complex decisions. Unfortunately, the main storyline doesn’t fully capitalize on this potential, leading to a narrative that feels more like a series of disconnected events rather than a cohesive journey.


Star Wars Outlaws offers an expansive and immersive experience, aiming to marry the beloved Star Wars universe with the open-world action-adventure genre. The result is a game that, while packed with potential, often falls short due to a mix of uninspired mechanics and occasional technical issues.

At the core of Outlaws is Kay Vess, a rogue freelancer navigating the criminal underworld. The game’s narrative structure is built around Kay’s journey to pull off a massive heist, which requires building alliances with various criminal syndicates, enhancing her skills, and acquiring better gear. This setup provides a solid foundation for the game’s open-world design, giving players a clear goal while allowing them the freedom to explore and engage with the universe on their own terms.

The open world of Outlaws is undeniably one of its strongest points. Each planet you visit, from the familiar sands of Tatooine to lush, vine-covered jungles and icy tundras, is richly detailed and feels like a living, breathing part of the Star Wars universe. The environments are filled with iconic Star Wars elements, from the sound of TIE fighters screeching overhead to the hustle and bustle of alien marketplaces. The game’s visual and auditory design is a love letter to the franchise, pulling players into a galaxy far, far away with remarkable authenticity.

However, as you begin to dig deeper into the gameplay, the cracks start to show. The missions, while diverse in their objectives, often fall into predictable patterns. Much of the game revolves around infiltrating enemy bases, collecting items, or engaging in combat with stormtroopers and thugs. While this is standard fare for open-world games, Outlaws doesn’t do much to innovate or elevate these activities beyond what has been done before in titles like Assassin’s Creed or Far Cry. The stealth mechanics, in particular, feel outdated and clunky, often forcing players into tedious sequences that lack the fluidity and polish seen in more modern games.

Combat, too, is a mixed bag. While blasting away at stormtroopers with a blaster or engaging in dogfights with TIE fighters can be thrilling, the AI is disappointingly simplistic. Enemies often lack tactical depth, making encounters feel more like a chore than a challenge. The addition of Kay’s companion, Nix, adds some variety, with the cute little creature able to distract enemies or assist in minor tasks. However, Nix’s abilities, while charming, don’t do enough to significantly impact the overall gameplay experience.

One of the more interesting aspects of Outlaws is its faction system. Throughout the game, Kay’s actions influence her relationships with various criminal syndicates. Helping one faction may anger another, leading to new mission opportunities or closing off certain areas. This system adds a layer of strategic decision-making, forcing players to think carefully about their alliances and the potential consequences of their actions. Unfortunately, the impact of these decisions is somewhat limited, and the game doesn’t always capitalize on the potential for deeper, more meaningful branching narratives.

Ultimately, Star Wars Outlaws offers a solid, if somewhat uneven, experience. It excels in capturing the Star Wars atmosphere and provides a vast, visually stunning universe to explore. However, the repetitive mission structure, underwhelming AI, and lack of gameplay innovation prevent it from reaching the heights it aspires to. For Star Wars fans, the chance to explore the galaxy and live out the fantasy of being a roguish scoundrel may be enough to overlook these flaws, but for others, the game may feel like a missed opportunity to push the open-world genre forward.

Visuals and Audio

Star Wars Outlaws is a game that truly excels in its visual and auditory presentation, creating an immersive experience that transports players into the iconic galaxy far, far away. From the bustling markets of Tatooine to the icy expanses of a snow-covered planet, the game’s attention to detail is nothing short of breathtaking. Each location is meticulously crafted to evoke the feel of the Star Wars universe, making every planet, city, and spaceport a delight to explore.

The game’s art direction stands out as one of its strongest aspects. The environments are richly detailed, with a diverse range of biomes that feel both familiar and fresh. Tatooine’s endless dunes, dotted with Jawas and moisture vaporators, perfectly capture the desolate beauty of the desert planet. In contrast, the lush jungles of another world are teeming with exotic flora and fauna, creating a vibrant contrast to the bleakness of other settings. The game’s use of lighting is particularly impressive, with sunsets casting long shadows across the sand and neon lights flickering in seedy cantinas. This attention to atmospheric detail enhances the feeling of being in a living, breathing world.

Character models are equally well-crafted, with Kay Vess and her companions standing out as particularly detailed. Kay’s design, with her rugged leather jacket and casual swagger, fits perfectly into the Star Wars aesthetic. Her movements are fluid and natural, whether she’s sneaking through an Imperial base or engaging in a firefight. The facial animations are also commendable, conveying a range of emotions that add depth to the characters. Even minor NPCs are given careful attention, with distinct appearances that make the world feel populated by a diverse array of beings.

The game’s visual effects, from blaster fire to spaceship explosions, are spectacular. The combat sequences are a visual treat, with laser blasts lighting up the screen and sparks flying as enemies fall. The space battles, in particular, are a highlight, with dogfights against TIE fighters that feel as thrilling as any scene from the films. The game also makes excellent use of particle effects, such as dust kicked up by a speeder bike or the glow of a lightsaber in the darkness, further immersing players in the action.

Complementing the stunning visuals is a sound design that is nothing short of exceptional. The game’s audio captures the iconic sounds of the Star Wars universe with meticulous accuracy. From the hum of a lightsaber to the roar of a starship engine, every sound is instantly recognizable and adds to the authenticity of the experience. The game’s soundtrack, while not composed by John Williams, is heavily inspired by his work, featuring sweeping orchestral scores that evoke the grandeur and excitement of the films. The music swells at key moments, enhancing the emotional impact of the story and gameplay.

Voice acting is another area where Star Wars Outlaws shines. The performances are strong across the board, with Kay Vess voiced by an actress who brings just the right amount of grit and charm to the character. Her interactions with ND-5 and Nix are particularly well-done, with dialogue that feels natural and engaging. The various NPCs also deliver convincing performances, whether they’re issuing a mission briefing or haggling over the price of smuggled goods.

Final Thoughts

Final Score
8 / 10


Star Wars Outlaws is a remarkable achievement that captures the magic of the Star Wars universe in a visually stunning and audibly immersive package. The game excels in creating richly detailed environments, from bustling cantinas to desolate desert expanses, all brought to life with exceptional sound design that perfectly evokes the iconic atmosphere of the franchise. While the gameplay and story have familiar elements, they are more than compensated by the sheer joy of exploring this beautifully crafted world. Technical performance is solid, with smooth mechanics and minimal bugs, making the experience all the more enjoyable. For fans of Star Wars and open-world adventures, Outlaws is a must-play that delivers an authentic and captivating journey through a galaxy far, far away.