March 5, 2025

The Red Dead Redemption Multi Player DLCs are currently free on Xbox Marketplace. Earlier this week Rockstar and Microsoft had announced that Red Dead Redemption would be finally available on Xbox One via backwards compatibility. After the announcement the game’s sales soared on Amazon . Starting today players can enjoy the classic on their Xbox Ones and the DLCs are available for free . Good day for gamers indeed. This includes the Liars & Cheats Pack, the Myths & Mavericks pack, and the Legends & Killers Pack.

Red Dead Redemption


Legends & Killers Pack

The Legends and Killers pack was released in August 2010.  Sam Houser said ,“With Legends & Killers we wanted to provide a wealth of new content for fans of Red Dead Redemption. We took care to pick out areas that were unique and exciting and then polished them to provide the best possible multiplayer experience.”

The Legends and Killers Pack adds  nine new map locations that are weapon-balanced specifically for multiplayer and packed with free-for-all and team-based challenges. New locations vary from the fog-filled riverside at Thieves’ Landing to the modern metropolis of Blackwater. Eight classic personalities from 2004’s Red Dead Revolver return as multiplayer characters, including fan favorites Red Harlow, Jack Swift, Annie Stoakes and Shadow Wolf, among others. Available in competitive multiplayer, free roam and single-player modes, the Tomahawk, a deadly new projectile weapon, introduces more ways to eliminate the competition. In addition to gameplay challenges, the pack also presents additional opportunities to earn Achievements and Trophies.

Liars & Cheats Pack

The Liars and Cheats pack was launched in September of 2010. “The Liars and Cheats pack gives players a lot more of what they love about Red Dead Redemption,” said Houser.

The Liars and Cheats Pack now includes the previously announced Free Roam Pack.  With content for both competitive multiplayer and Free Roam, the add-on pack features a wide array of new gameplay mechanics, weapons and locations, including:

Myths & Mavericks Pack

Rockstar said in 2011 ,“Today we can confirm the title for you: the  Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack will feature new fan-favorite multiplayer characters by popular demand (including a certain grizzled ol’ gunslinger as pictured above) as well as new multiplayer locations for players of Deathmatch, Grab the Bag, Gang matches and other popular online modes to get busy in”

The Outlaws To the End Co-Op Mission Pack, and the Hunting and Trading pack are also free at the moment.