No Man’s Sky file size on disc is merely 6GB according to Hello Games founder, Sean Murray.

No Man’s Sky Only 6GB
With over 18 quintillion planets, and one of largest game environments ever created, one would expect an enormous file size, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. According to Murray, the size is only 6GB and a lot of that space is consumed by the game’s audio.
How is this possible? Well, most of the content in the game is procedurally generated which results in smaller file sizes, while having large amounts of content. The technique is also used in the Borderlands series, but also Minecraft and the Left 4 Dead series use procedural generation in some way.
“I actually got in a bit of trouble for saying that we wanted the game to feel really console-y,” Murray said. “We’ve always had PC in mind but in my head (console-y) means solid frame rate and immediate controls. I think a PC game can be ‘console-y’ and it’s intended as a compliment, but I get in trouble for saying it”, Murray told EGDE back in 2014.
Team Working On Update 1
Team is actively working on the Game’s 1st update according to Twitter