March 4, 2025

Following the cancellation of Silent Hills, teaser demo : P.T. , an U.K. based studio called Lilith Ltd. has stepped in to quench our thirst for horror with a new game called Allison Road.

Allison Road is a first-person game, and is currently in pre-alpha .You play an unnamed protagonist waking up with no memory. It takes place in “one British townhouse. Your British townhouse.” You wake up in a house alone and confused, with your only option being to try and figure out what happened. There are clues to examine, a static-filled radio and of course a very creepy little demon girl doing creepy demon things .

Here’s how the developers describe it  :

You will take on the role of the unnamed protagonist who wakes up one day without any recollection of prior events.

Over the course of five nights, it is your objective to uncover the whereabouts of your family, unravel the mysteries of the house, and face off against [dark entities] that are nested deep within the house, while the clock is relentlessly ticking towards 3:00am.

What would you do if you could feel something stalking you in the dark in the safety of your own home?

If you couldn’t tell what’s real and what’s not?

You can pick things up and interact with stuff in your environment and use your mouse/joystick to inspect further revealing further clues , and there’s also an inventory system.

Chris Kesler (lead developer) has released the pre-alpha environment trailer which you can view below :

And the newly released gameplay trailer :

Will combat be there in the game ? Chris had this to say :

Combat will be a minor focus in the game. It’ll be more of a question of self defense rather than actively going out to hunt, so to speak.The thing we are definitely trying to achieve with Allison Road is a real sense that you are in a real place. In your place. For all the design choices in the game we asked ourselves, for example: ‘Okay, what would I do if I had an intruder in the house?’ Would I equip my double-barrel shotgun? Not very likely, since I don’t own one. Meat cleaver? Yeah, possibly.It’s going to be a vivid mix of realism and surrealism and there won’t be a heavy focus on fighting. It’s more about creative problem solving in order to survive.”

Oh and that demon girl ? She’s called Lily . But she isn’t going to be the only one to worry about :

“Yes, there will be Lily. And yes, there will be other entities in the house. And there will be the house and there will be time. Space and time… it’s all relative.”

“Actually, Lily plays a very different part in the story than people might think. Yes, she is a threat, and you better go hide as quickly as you can once you hear her approaching. However, like I said earlier, her fate and yours are inevitably linked.”

Check out some of the screenshots and GIF’s directly from the game :

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

Fans Are Making A Spiritual Successor To P.T., And It Looks Terrifying

While the footage is pre-alpha right now, and it’s already looking pretty good , it will be thoroughly tested before being available for public release to make sure its a great(and terrifying)  experience .

Stay Tuned for more news about Allison Road .