March 4, 2025

Fans of the Deus Ex series. Bad news for you.

Why you ask ? Because you have to wait 6 more months to get your hands on Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the sequel to the 2011 Human revolution.

Announced at the official blog of the game, the game has been delayed back to August 23rd 2016 from the original slated release of Febuary 23rd 2016.

Eidos Montreal’s studio head David Anfossi back at the blog commented ,

“We’re confident and proud of the game so far. However… we can see that it will require more time in post-production for tuning, iterations, and refinement to meet our high standards.This game is a huge part of our lives, and we don’t want to compromise on its on its quality.”

We now have to wait and see where does this goes from here as expectations are quite high with this game. We expect that Eidos will deliver what they have promised.

Mankind Divided is releasing for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4 on August 23rd 2016.