March 4, 2025

AMD has released a Catalyst beta driver update this afternoon, bringing their latest drivers up to Catalyst 15.5 beta. The release notes for this driver indicate that it focuses mainly on two recently released games – Project Cars and The Witcher 3 – offering significant performance improvements for both games, along with a new Crossfire profile for The Witcher 3.

The internal build number on these drivers is 14.502.1014.1001

According to the driver notes , there is upto 10 % performance increase for The Witcher 3 and upto 17 % performance increase on Project Cars on R9 and R7 series cards .

There is an issue in both Project Cars and Witcher 3 however .

  • In Project Cars if DS2M is used as anti aliasing in Crossfire mode , graphics corruption occurs , as a work around , a different Anti Aliasing method is suggested .
  • In Witcher 3  to get the best performance and experience in Crossfire,  users must disable Anti-Aliasing from the games video-post processing options. Some random flickering may occur when using Crossfire. If the issue is affecting the game experience, as a work around they suggest disabling Crossfire .

Users who wish to use the HairWorks feature are advised to manually create an application profile that will optimize the tessellation level of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to 8X or 16X. This profile will streamline the workload presented by the application’s dynamic hair, improving performance without compromise to image quality .

Witcher 1


The AMD Catalyst™ 15.5 Beta Driver can be downloaded from the following links:

For more information head onto the AMD’s Catalyst driver page.