October 17, 2024

The AEW: Fight Forever Season Pass is set to offer an array of new content. With the Season Pass, players will gain access to an expanded roster of AEW wrestlers and a collection of over-the-top mini games.

The first offering in the AEW: Fight Forever Season Pass is the FTR: Revival Pack. This pack introduces the dynamic duo of Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler, allowing players to experience their unique in-ring styles firsthand. On top of that, the pack features two exciting mini games: JoinUs and Deth Race-X.

Then there is the Limitless Bunny Bundle. This bundle brings The Bunny and Keith Lee to the virtual ring, offering players the chance to showcase their skills with these formidable competitors. Accompanying this bundle are two captivating mini games: MJF Car Thrash and Sloth Sling.

Last but not least, the Hookhausen Very Handsome, Very Evil Pack is sure to captivate players with the inclusion of HOOK and Danhausen. Fans can step into the shoes of these charismatic wrestlers and experience their unique personalities and moves firsthand.

Developed by acclaimed wrestling game developer Yuke’s, AEW: Fight Forever is the first video game officially licensed by All Elite Wrestling.

The pricing for AEW Fight Forever in India is: INR 2,400 for the Standard Edition and the Elite Edition will set you back by Rs 3,200.