Sledgehammer games today revealed their Multiplayer gameplay and details of the upcoming Cod Advanced Warfare at Gamescom 2014.The gameplay shows the revamped and redesigned MP environment along with many new things.
Exo skeleton suits are the main attraction of the MP through out the conference.The so called “Exo movement” allows the player to handle the MP with different angle.The exo suit will allow you to fast movement,double jump with boost,new melee attacks.
Pick 13 is the new edition to cod AW mp.Pick 10 was introduced in black ops two mp now 13 comes with more advanced features.
Virtual Lobby is another new edition to advanced warfare MP.While matchmaking you can actually look and even measure the details of your opponents and friends of what kind of attachments they are using.
Virtual training ground will allow you to test the newly assigned loadout and weapons before any match or in between two sessions.There will be no loading time virtual training ground activates with just a click of a button.
Create an operator is the new name of free customization and by free we literally mean free.The amount of freedom given in this new feature that never been used in any MP ever.
Maps:-four new maps revealed in the conference,each with their unique features.
Biolab:-a biometric lab place on a snowy mountain.The bio-metric chemicals play a major part in destruction.
Riot:-An abandoned prison in Baghdad.Most brutal and competing map ever.
Ascend:- A space elevator.The architecture of the map allows your exo suit to stretch its legs fully.
Defender:-A small map in San Francisco by the shore of the river,but dont get fooled by this thing.When you are in game a tsunami will approaching and use the natural catastrophe to diminish your opponents.
New modes revealed momentum and uplink along with old favorites .Uplink is a new addition to the advanced warfare MP.
Last and the most Important and best announcement was the Day Zero Edition.If you pre order the game now (any platform) you will able to get your hands on the game 24 hrs before the official release date and thats not all,during this 24 hours till launch time double XP will be there for MP.Two new weapons will also be available to use from day zero.
for more news and info stay in touch with us.